PHRASINGS & ARTICULATIONS* :Sustained notes f, Sustained notes p, Staccato 2x, grace notes (ascending/ descending, half tone/whole tone), Half tone trill, Whole tone trill, Crescendo, Runs (major, minor), Mordents (half tone/whole tone, upwards & downwards), Pickup, Flutter Tongue.
EFFECTS & UNCONVENTIONAL SOUNDS (examples): Short & percussive events, Clusters & longer events, short scratches, “Shock Treatment”, “Unsingable Melodies for Everyone”, “Blowing for the Wind”, “An Army of Woodworms”, “Dreaming Monster”, “The Mosquito, or a Summer Night Drama”, “At the Dentist”, “Creaking Door”, “Contrabassoon Gets Angry”, “Car Race”, “An Extremely Silly Sound” (tuned trumpet mouthpiece), “A Breath of a Wind Player” and many other events