Native Instruments B4 II Полная версия - VST инструменты - купить и скачать от Native Instruments
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Native Instruments B4 II [Полная версия]

The B4 software organ broke new ground when it was released in 2000 and was an instant success. It reproduces the sound of the legendary B3 and its rotary speaker cabinet with unmatched accuracy. Its expressiveness and immediate playability continues to amaze even the most experienced organ players. The B4 II raises the bar considerably, generating a much wider sonic range and a far richer, even more authentic sound.

Through The Tube

The latest version of this award-winning virtual organ sees the addition of many extra components. A tube amplifier and a selection of classic speaker cabinets offer you greater freedom of expression. Spring and studio reverb modules lend the sound more depth and atmosphere. From silky soft to relentlessly rockin', the sound is stunningly precise and more versatile than ever before.

Attention To Detail

From the drawbars, the vibrato and chorus to the tube distortion and rotary speakers, the B4 II delivers the sound of the original in incredible detail. The cross-talk between the tonewheels is adjustable and 11 additional tonewheel sets are also included: 'Cosmetically age' the B4 II or transform it into a Farfisa, a Vox Continental or an Indian Harmonium.

A Joy To Play

The B4 II is instantly playable. Its convenient Preset Manager coupled with a large selection of presets offer a wide range of styles. The new bass pedal legato and string bass features make using the foot pedals easy: a walking bass has never been simpler. The B4 II is a rounded, enthralling and easy-to-use software organ that instantly delights– start playing and you won't stop.

Top features:

* Authentic software version of the legendary tonewheel organ and rotary speaker

* Plays and sounds exactly like its real-world role model

* Play in stand-alone mode or use in the studio as a plug-in

* Tube amplifier and speaker cabinets engineered using Dynamic Tube Response technology

* Integrated spring and studio reverb units

* 120 presets and 11 alternative tonewheels sets

* Intuitive MIDI controller integration including MIDI learn and controller templates

* 9 drawbars per manual and 6 drawbars for the pedals, adjustable keyclick and flexible percussion

* Pedal legato and string bass modes make sophisticated playing techniques easy

* Scanner vibrato/chorus, rotary speaker, and tube amp distortion and overdrive



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