Pitbull Jungle Loops - AKAI - Сэмплы - купить и скачать от USB
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Pitbull Jungle Loops

100 руб.
Philip Wolfe & David Crozier's Saxophones Товар 94 из 267
категории AKAI
 Platinum 24 Acoustic Drums CD 1
Pitbull Jungle Loops

Various modern electronic JUNGLE loops.

Not much to say here. These just rock...I'm not a jungle purist by any means (hell, the last Bowie album and that bit off NiN's perfect Drug seem jungle enough for my taste), but I really like these. As a novice in the field, I'm sure that some would not consider these true jungle as they can be used as it...ie., without grabbing your favorite digital cutting board and hacking away but I like them anyways.

Hell what can I say, its jungle, has lots of loops and several tempos (though we all know that tempo doesn't matter with a jungle loop as your supposed to mangle it into tempos they were never meant for) and lots of break out drums for the creation of your own loops or layering onto one of the preprovided ones. While suitable for this type of music, the breakout drums are mearly half second snippits of the the loops. Not going to find a realistic drum here and ya shouldn't try. I suggest isolating the drums yourself out of the loop it you want to use a particular sound.



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Лучшие товары
01. Accordions
02. AKAI Samples Library CD 8 - General MIDI Sets
03. Dance Mega Drums CD 2
04. AKAI Samples Library CD 3 - Drum Kit Collection
05. Alpha Dance CD 1
06. SynthLine vol.01 - Virus
07. SynthLine vol.17 - Roland XP-80
08. SynthLine vol.23 - K-2500
09. Alpha Dance CD 2
10. Analog to Digital
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