Best Service Chris Hein Winds Vol.1 - Flutes 3 DVD - Kontakt - VST инструменты - купить и скачать от Best Service
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Best Service Chris Hein Winds Vol.1 - Flutes [3 DVD]

Best Service Chris Hein Winds Vol.1 - Flutes [3 DVD] [KONTAKT]

Orchestral woodwinds for your computer in unheard perfection!

Chris Hein – Winds consists of four parts, this part Vol 1. Flutes offers you 4 different flutes.

Please see all the details in the following description of Chris Hein Winds Complete:

Chris Hein – Winds is an extensive woodwinds library meeting highest expectations in regard to sound quality, expression and applicability. The library´s instruments are based upon meticulously, extensively and detailed prepared multi samples with an offering of numerous articulations and up to eight dynamic layers. Producer Chris Hein has brought his thirty years of sampling experience into this masterpiece, giving the user maximum flexibility, highest level of customization and benefit in use.

Chris Hein – Winds focuses on orchestral woodwind sounds with highest possible flexibility.

The library is arbitrarily configurable to embrace individual workflow techniques and demands of different producers. The available options and solutions take care of almost every practical application, leaving almost nothing left to be wished for – everything has been thought of! Naturally, the extensive amount of samples is handled by a powerful sample-engine, in this case Native Instruments´ Kontakt Player. Expect a custom tailored user-interface and extensive scripting to respect the specific requirements of the instruments presented.

Chris Hein – Winds lives up to the expectations of woodwind lovers as well as specialists in demand of outstanding samples, comprehensive details, a complete choice of articulations and a versatile adaption to specific workflows.

The instruments can be loaded as elaborated full sample-sets, offering all articulations ready to be played on the keyboard. On the other hand, thanks to the library´s modular concept, significantly reduced versions can be called up to keep load-times fast and memory requirements low. In clean-start configuration, only a sustain-set is loaded into memory. All other articulations and functions demanding additional memory and CPU-load can be loaded with a single click whenever needed. This allows fluent and efficient work, even on compact and mobile production systems with less powerful specifications.

Chris Hein – Winds brings you orchestral woodwind sounds tailored to perfection. Besides careful recordings with high quality gear such as Neumann microphones, the musicians significantly influence the sound aesthetic. Unlike the award-winning Chris Hein – Horns, this library takes advantage of orchestra musicians being part of the renowned WDR Symphonic Orchestra.

For this library, dry close mic´ing was an intentional decision. All instruments have been recorded individually avoiding any crosstalk. However, Chris Hein – Winds factors in the inevitable interaction of orchestra musicians when creating their musical tone. Therefore, the corresponding musicians where given headphone monitoring, allowing them to play along to the other musicians. Therefore, time-dependent articulations such as Dynamic Expression receive an especial coherent tone, allowing you to combine individual instruments to perfectly matched ensembles.

The intentionally dry sound of Chris Hein – Winds allows efficient combination with the sample-engine´s dual convolution reverbs to adapt the instruments to various situations.  The Kontakt Player allows a free instrument-placement in the stereo panorama. Separate convolution engines for the corpus-sound (body) and the ambience (room) allow creation of any spatial environment, ranging from close intimacy to large orchestral halls. Here, Chris Hein – Winds differs significantly from the fixed spatial characteristics of many competitors. It makes this library greatly variable and, additionally, combinable with almost any other library available.



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Вы можете купить или скачать Best Service Chris Hein Winds Vol.1 - Flutes [3 DVD] на нашем сайте. Товар был добавлен в наш каталог 06 November 2014 г.
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