Toontrack DFH EZdrummer EZX - Nashville - EZDrummer Superior - VST инструменты - купить и скачать от TOONTRACK
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Toontrack DFH EZdrummer EZX - Nashville

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категории EZDrummer / Superior
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Toontrack DFH EZdrummer EZX - Nashville

Toontrack DFH EZdrummer EZX - Nashville

Новые звуки для Toontrack DFH EZdrummer.

These days Nashville is so much more than just Country music. The town is a melting pot of writers and performers in genres ranging from the most cutting edge Hip-Hop and Electronica to the best of Country and Bluegrass. The Nashville EZX takes the traditional country heart of Nashville as a starting point but branches out to become something bigger. A library of percussive sounds, including more then 10.000 samples, that will appeal to musicians, writers and producers in every musical genre in need of EZ access to great drums. The EZX has a big sound and comes played with sticks, brushes and fingers.

In creating the Nashville EZX we were lucky to work with two of the best, most experienced players and producers in the business at one of the best recording venues in Nashville.

Harry Stinson is a Grammy nominated drummer and award winning producer, writer, and singer having achieved No. 1 status in all of those categories. His talents have been shared with artists like Steve Earle, Martina McBride, Johnny Cash, Faith Hill, Earl Scruggs, Etta James, Brooks and Dunn, Patty Loveless, Lyle Lovett and numerous others, patching together a list that reads like the who’s who in country music. Check him out at

Chuck Ainlay is a Grammy winning Producer/Engineer with a mind blowing track record. To name but a few, artists such as Mark Knopfler & Dire Straits, George Strait, Trisha Yearwood, Vince Gill, Sheryl Crowe, Emmylou Harris, Steve Earle, The Mavericks and Dixie Chicks have all relied on his experience and expertise to guide them to the perfect sound. Check him out at

The track record for the studio we picked, The Sound Kitchen, is one of the most impressive ones we´ve seen by any measure. Check it out at


The sounds for the Nashville EZX were played by Harry Stinson at Sound Kitchen, Nashville, USA.
The sounds for the Nashville EZX were recorded, engineered and mixed by Chuck Ainlay, Mattias Eklund and Brad Bowden at Sound Kitchen, Nashville, USA.
The MIDI files for the Nashville EZX were played by Harry Stinson at New Polyphony, Nashville, USA.
Project coordination for the Nashville EZX: Brad Bowden
Sound and MIDI editing: Henrik Kjellberg, Nils Eriksson and Mattias Eklund
Graphic designer: Fredrik Ärletun
Head of support, beta testing and configuration manager: Rogue Marechal
Coding: Olof Westman

The Nashville EZX uses TPC, Toontrack Percussive Compression.



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Вы можете купить или скачать Toontrack DFH EZdrummer EZX - Nashville на нашем сайте. Товар был добавлен в наш каталог 18 August 2007 г.
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