BOOM Library Close Combat - Звуковые эффекты
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  Каталог » Звуковые эффекты

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BOOM Library Close Combat

BOOM Library Close Combat [DVD][WAV]

Звуки ударов ближнего боя, крики, хрусты, поломка костей - в этой DVD-библиотеке звуковых эффектов вы найдете необходимые сэмплы для озвучивания видеоигр или action-фильмов.


Quick and convincing sound design needed? Whether itæs an action-packed
fight scene in an underground parking, a secret agent eliminating his
enemies with his bare hands or a thrilling äone against allô struggle
in the backyard, our CLOSE COMBAT DESIGNED SFX library puts you in the
comfortable position to handle each of those sound design challenges
with ease - in highspeed. Choose from a great selection of SFX
pre-designed by the award-winning BOOM sound design team.

This library contains a vast variety of high quality punches, kicks
grabs, whooshes, slaps, bone breaks reaching from soft to very hard
intensity. Each file contains four variations of a single sound.
All sound effects were designed using only the source files of the

Key Features:

  • Library ships in 96kHz/24bit High Definition Audio
  • Pre-designed ready-to-use fight sounds
  • 400+ royalty free sound effects in 100+ files
  • Effective workflow: well-grounded Soundminer Metadata

Data Sheet / Track List
100+ files, 400+ sounds | 96kHz/24bit, WAV

Close Combat - Construction Kit


Besides the visuals, the right sound design makes or breaks a good
fight scene. Impressive punches and kicks need impressive sounds and
sweeteners to bring a scene to life. With our CLOSE COMBAT
CONSTRUCTION KIT we make all this available to you.

Equipped with a great variety of punches, slaps, kicks, whooshes
clothes, bone breaks, impacts and more, this library is your perfect
toolkit for designing your own unique, dramatic action fight scenes.

The SFX library comes with an incredible sample rate of 192kHz/24bit.
The high sample rate gives you the best quality for heavy editing
pitching, and fx processing while keeping a top notch level of clarity
and precision. To provide you with the fastest and easiest workflow
possible all files contain extensive metadata.

Key Features:

  • Library ships in 192kHz/24bit High Definition Audio
  • Punches, kicks, clothes, whooshes, slaps, bone breaks, etc.
  • 2.400+ royalty free sound effects in 400+ files
  • Effective workflow: well-grounded Soundminer Metadata

Data Sheet / Track List
400+ files, 2.400+ sounds | 192kHz/24bit, WAV



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Вы можете купить или скачать BOOM Library Close Combat на нашем сайте. Товар был добавлен в наш каталог 14 September 2013 г.
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08. The Lucasfilm Sound Effects Library [6 CD]
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