VALENTINO Production Sound Effects Library 6 DVD - Звуковые эффекты - купить и скачать от Valentino
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  Каталог » Звуковые эффекты

Расширенный поиск
260dB: The Drum&Bass Interface
260dB: The Drum&Bass Interface

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Band-in-a-Box 2017 [Windows / MAC OSX]
Band-in-a-Box 2017 [Windows / MAC OSX]

150 руб.

VALENTINO Production Sound Effects Library [6 DVD]

1,725 руб.
The Disney Ideas Sound FX Collection Товар 3 из 10
категории Звуковые эффекты
 The Lucasfilm Sound Effects Library [6 CD]
VALENTINO Production Sound Effects Library [6 DVD]

VALENTINO Production Sound Effects Library [6 DVD или 50 CD]

Профессиональная студийная библиотека звуковых эффектов для озвучивания фильмов, театральных представлений, ТВ-передач, радио-заставок и др.

This 50 CD set has a comprehensive cross section of every type of sound effect imaginable in a variety of categories.

Valentino Production Music and Sound Effects Library has provided music and sound effects audio clips in archival library format to the feature film, TV, Radio and related industries since 1932. It is the oldest and largest sound collection of this kind in the US. Having provided music and sound effects clips in this format for more than 70 years, the WALL STREET JOURNAL has said that "When you hear most any sound other than a human voice on television, radio, in the movies or theatre, there's a good chance that it was developed in the Valentino studios."



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Вы можете купить или скачать VALENTINO Production Sound Effects Library [6 DVD] на нашем сайте. Товар был добавлен в наш каталог 03 August 2006 г.
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Рекомендуем с этим товаром

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The Warner Bros. Sound Effects Library [5 CD]

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Корзина пуста
Лучшие товары
01. The Warner Bros. Sound Effects Library [5 CD]
02. The Disney Ideas Sound FX Collection
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04. Blastwav Imaging Elements Sound Effects Library [5 DVD]
05. BOOM Library Close Combat
06. Boom Library Magic Bundle [2 DVD]
07. iFX Midget Gems (iFX Series, Vol. 1)
08. The Lucasfilm Sound Effects Library [6 CD]
09. Boom Library Thunder and Rain
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Программы для создания музыки, сэмплы, VST плагины и инструменты.