Band-in-a-Box 2007 MegaPAK - Звуковые редакторы - купить и скачать от PG Music
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Band-in-a-Box 2007 MegaPAK

PG Music Band-in-a-Box 2007 MegaPAK [1 DVD or 6 CD]

Band-in-a-Box 2007 MegaPAK for Windows - программа-аранжировщик, автоаккомпаниатор. Полный DVD диск включает все стили, пресеты и обучающий видео-курс.

Band-in-a-Box 2007 MegaPAK for Windows - Includes 2007 version, Styles Sets 0-66, RealDrums Sets 1-3, Soloist Sets 1-11 & 16-18, Melodist Sets 1-8, the Band-in-a-Box Video Tutorial PAK.

Watch the Band-in-a-Box 2007 New Features:

* RealDrums. We've added real audio drums to Band-in-a-Box! This replaces the MIDI Drum track with real recordings of top studio Jazz/Rock/Country drummers. These are not "samples," but are full recordings, lasting from 1 to 8 bars, playing along in perfect sync with the other Band-in-a-Box tracks. For example, choose a brushes style, and you will now hear lush Jazz brushes. The results are dramatically better than MIDI. They sound like a real drummer, because they are recordings of a real drummer.

* Chords from MP3 ("Audio Chord Wizard"). This is one of the all-time most requested features for Band-in-a-Box, and now this amazing wizard automatically figures out the chords from any MP3, WAV, or WMA (Windows Media) audio file and displays them in Band-in-a-Box. Just load in any MP3, WAV or WMA file and you'll instantly see the chords in Band-in-a-Box.

* Soundtrack Generator. Need to generate some original, royalty-free music for backgrounds, home videos, slide shows, voiceovers, jingles, themes, underscoring scenes or entr'acte, dance routines, ceremonies or any occasion that calls for musical accompaniment? The Soundtrack feature allows you to generate music in the style you choose for any length of time you specify.

* Generate Chords for a Melody, or an improved chord progression for a Melody - with the new "Reharmonist" feature. This feature generates a chord progression in the genre that you choose, based only on the melody. Generate an entirely new chord progression for a complete song, or a portion of a song. Or use the feature interactively by displaying a menu of possible chord progressions for a portion of the melody, and audition them to choose the best one using the "Bar Reharmonist."

* Solos are enhanced - with the new "Melody Influenced" Soloist. When musicians solo for a song, the solo is typically influenced by the melody as well as the chords. Now Band-in-a-Box can also allow the melody to influence the type of solo generated by its Soloist feature. The result is a much better solo generated for the song. A strength (%) setting allows you to control how much the solo will be influenced by the melody. Choose the melody influence (%), and one of several presets to control the type of influence (pitches/rhythms/note density, etc.).

* TranzPort® support - Wireless Remote Control support for Band-in-a-Box! The Frontier Design TranzPort® is a wireless remote control hardware unit (Electronic Musician Editors' Choice 2006) that now allows you to control Band-in-a-Box 2007 through walls from 30 feet away! The backlit LCD provides a two-line readout, while buttons and a wheel allow control of many Band-in-a-Box features. Select songs and play/stop/pause/loop. Select/mute/solo tracks and volume/tempo changes are all supported. And best of all, when the song is playing, the chords or lyrics of the song are displayed in time on the backlit LCD screen.



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Вы можете купить или скачать Band-in-a-Box 2007 MegaPAK на нашем сайте. Товар был добавлен в наш каталог 25 March 2007 г.
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PG Music
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