Cakewalk Sonar 8 Producer Edition 4 DVD - Звуковые редакторы - купить и скачать от Cakewalk
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Cakewalk Sonar 8 Producer Edition [4 DVD]

Cakewalk Sonar 8 Producer Edition [Полная DVD версия][4 DVD][Windows XP/Vista (32 and 64-bit]

SONAR 8 Producer gives you what you need for recording, composing, editing, mixing, and mastering. Get innovations that matter, from exclusive features to ignite creativity and perfect your tracks, to groundbreaking technologies that always keep you in control, all backed by the industry’s leading 64-bit audio quality. And SONAR 8 Producer delivers the go to production tools you want with the best collection of virtual instruments, mixing, and mastering effects found in any DAW.

With unlimited tracks, amazing creative tools, incredible virtual instruments, the freedom to work with any audio interface or control surface, and the most complete delivery capability for collaboration with users of other DAWS, award-winning SONAR Producer is your best choice in a digital audio workstation.

SONAR 8 Producer includes everything in SONAR 8 Studio plus additional instruments, effects, and tools.

New features, optimizations, and workflow enhancements include:

Loop Explorer 2.0—view provides browse and preview of audio and MIDI groove clips and patterns; quickly drag and drop loops and patterns into the track view; MIDI groove clips and patterns can be previewed with the virtual instrument of your choice.

Dedicated Instrument Track—single track optimized for mono or stereo virtual synths which simplifies the process of working with virtual instruments. In the pursuit of offering users options in how they want to work, the multi-track method of using virtual instruments employed by previous versions of SONAR is still supported. In addition users can split and combine instrument tracks to/from discrete audio/MIDI tracks.

SONAR Performance Optimizations—with focus on functionality including improved performance at high track counts and low latencies, faster launch time, and the ability to change audio devices without restarting; streamlined communication with VST plug-ins and Improved ASIO performance with output latency compensation.

User Interface optimizations—smoother display when resizing windows and panes, optimized metering, more responsive zoom and scroll.

Editing Enhancements:

Clip Selection Groups—Furthering SONAR's multitrack recording and take management capability, SONAR now automatically groups clips together across tracks after each recording pass — perfect for comping any multitrack ensemble performance, especially drum takes.

Aim Assist Cursor—Visual guide to assist in lining up tracks for precision editing.

Split and Mute Tools—can now edit multiple clips simultaneously.

Free Edit Tool—for performing edits by clips or by time without the need of a modifier key.

Recording Enhancements:

Live Effects and Soft Synth Recording—play and record effect and soft synth output into audio tracks in realtime using SONAR's live bounce feature.

Anytime Recording—while the SONAR transport is running or looping users can now arm/unarm audio and MIDI tracks, punch in, punch out, and toggle between play and record.

Mixing Enhancements:

Exclusive Solo Mode with Solo Override—New solo mode forces soloing to one track/bus at a time and prevents tracks and buses from being muted when other tracks/buses are soloed.

Bus Inputs QuickGroup Command—automatically groups all source tracks feeding a selected bus.

Mono hardware outputs—for easy assignment of tracks and buses to individual hardware outputs in addition to stereo pairs.

Control Enhancements:

Transport Updates—True Rewind, Fast Forward and Pause Buttons; Audition Button; Improved Jog/Shuttle Heuristics; optimizations for control surfaces and scrub performance.

Control Surface Enhancements—Show/Hide Tracks from Surface can follow either the Track View or Console View, obeying visible/hidden tracks, Control Surfaces MIDI port assignments retained/stored in SONAR, Real-World VST Parameter Values are now displayed.

Track View and Console View Sync now automatically syncs visible/hidden tracks between the Track View and Console View channels.

Additional Enhancements:

Enhanced Sample Rate Conversion — now employs the same fast convolution engine as the LP-64 series 64-bit mastering plug-ins.

Vista Audio — WASAPI support, which is compatible with any Vista audio device, including WaveRT PCI and motherboard audio, USB, and FireWire devices.

QuickTime 7 Import/Export —support for the latest QuickTime 7 codecs, including H.264 and AAC audio.

Workflow Enhancements include:

Insert Send Assistant—provides a fast and easy way to create effect buses and insert sends to new or existing buses.

Updated ACT Presets —mappings for popular plug-ins and controllers.

Templates — over 400 new production ready Track Templates and Project Templates.

Drum Maps & Presets — Updated Drum Maps and Plug-in Presets enhancing our most popular plug-ins.

Patterns — New collection of drum pattern presets for the integrated Step Sequencer.

New Instruments Include:

1. Beatscape loop performance instrument
2. Dimension Pro
3. TruePianos Amber VSTi Module
4. TS 64 Transient Shaper
5. TL-64 Tube Leveler
6. Channel Tools
7. Native Instruments Guitar Rig 3 LE



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Вы можете купить или скачать Cakewalk Sonar 8 Producer Edition [4 DVD] на нашем сайте. Товар был добавлен в наш каталог 15 January 2009 г.
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